Shoc Block
Shoc Bloc™ is a by-product of tire recycling. Made by shredding tire tread, it is much like a small sliver known as a “buffing”. Shoc Bloc™ is 100% tire rubber, having no additives or coatings, and having been thoroughly cleaned of all fiber and steel cord. Shoc Bloc™ is delivered directly from the recycling plant, and it will be packaged in one of three different ways, depending on the size of an order and/or the proximity of the customer to the recycling plant: loose, in a dump truck; loose, in large corrugated boxes; or bagged in 50 pound sacks.
Shoc Bloc™ is generally used in areas where a high level of shock absorption is desirable, such as on walking paths, around horse walkers, in round pens, or in breeding sheds. Its “sliver” shape allows it to act like a miniature leafspring, and it will more effectively cushion a heavy footstep.
There are certain precautions that must be taken with Shoc Bloc™. Tire rubber is a carbon-based material and can be flammable. Unlike straw or wood products, which also can be flammable, tire rubber can be difficult to extinguish once it is smoldering or burning. The loose-fill form of Shoc Bloc™ requires caution in its use.
We recommend the following: The totally safe use of shredded rubber as a footing additive requires that it be mixed with an inert material (such as sand, limestone, screenings, or loose dirt) in the following ratio: 1” of Shoc Bloc™ to 4” of inert material, preferably sand. One pound of Shoc Bloc™ mulch will yield 1 sq. foot of coverage at 1” deep.
Shoc Block™ will give you and your horse many, many years of useful service. The added shock absorbency will be a blessing to sore muscles and aching joints, and you will spend far less time dragging arenas and controlling dust.
Please contact Judy Bible at jbible@miraclecorp.com or by calling 937.293.9994 x208 to inquire about all Summit products.